
Week 1, Day 2

Haley Ralston wakes up on Monday morning, feeling rested and ready for her first day at work.
She heads to the kitchen for some breakfast.
She takes her time eating her cereal, nervous but ready for her first day at work.
Right as Haley is getting ready to leave for work, her phone rings.
All it is is someone trying to get her to buy something. She is annoyed and it takes her several minutes to get off the phone.
Then she uses the bathroom, feeling anxious about getting to work.
Haley runs out the door.
In Haley's rush to get out the door, she leaves her dirty bowl on the table.
She drives as quick as she can to work, the minutes ticking away.
She runs into work, ending up being 20 minutes late. "Not a good start to my first day of work ever," she thinks to herself.
At her first day of work, Haley is acquainted with the police department and her job. Work went fairly well, but towards the end Haley feels very strained.
At work, Haley met her partner, Blain Wainwright. Blain is leaving right before Haley after work. 
Haley decides to start reading a book she brought from home, Logic Vol.1: Knights vs. Bishops. She wants to learn the Logic skill, while also doing one of her favorite activities: reading books.
She spends hours standing outside the police department, devouring the pages and learning about such things as the strategies of chess and discovering stars.
On this hot summer day, where the temperature is 79 degrees at 6:15 PM, Haley begins feeling warm, but she keeps reading. Even though she loves reading, it doesn't help that much with making her feel less stressed.
It's 7 PM, and after nearly four straight hours of reading, Sunset Valley nightlife begins. The quietness of the Monday night helps Haley concentrate for so long.
At 8 PM, Haley begins feeling hungry and puts away the book.
She heads home, still feeling rather stressed.
Haley arrives home and sees that the bills have arrived. She made some money today, but not a considerable amount. Fortunately, since she lives in a rather small home, the bills are only 88 simoleons. She pays her bills to the government and temporarily eases her money worries. 
She walks inside and is overwhelmed with a nasty smell. She is disgusted by the leftover bowl from that morning.
Haley's hunger is larger than her need to clean, so she grabs some leftover autumn salad.
She eats while the gross bowl emits a green haze. She tries not to look at it when she eats.
After eating Haley grabs the bowl that has been sitting at the table for hours.
She rushes over and does the dishes.
Now Haley must clean herself.
Haley goes to bed at about 11 PM, tired but more relaxed, not feeling as strained as before.

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